Thai Chilies: My Favorite Variety

Thai Chilies: My Favorite Variety

Thai Chile (Capsicum Annuum):

Scoville Units: 50,000 – 100,00 (hot)
Uses: Cooking, sauces, dried, powdered
Commercial Availability: Specialty Stores (dried or fresh)

“Thai Chilies” is a generic term for several different types of peppers originated from Thailand in varying degrees of heat. The most common types of Thai peppers are the tiny Prik kee noo suan “mouse dropping chili” and this pepper it’s slightly larger and longer cousin. Prik Chee Fah “chili pointing to the sky” or Thai Spur Chili. They are interchangeable for use but the Prik kee noo suan are hotter Today we will focus on the Prik Chee Fah.
Thai hot peppersThis peppers grow upright hence the name “pointing to the sky”, a slender thin-walled pepper that ripens from a dark green to a bright red. We like to use a mix of red and green in most recipes for the visual appeal. When green these Thai peppers have a grass like flavor, once red they develop a sweeter aroma. At either stage make no mistake these peppers are hot! When eating the raw pods the heat is immediate and upfront but subsides quickly. Great peppers for Nam Jim (dipping sauces), curries, and stir-fry. For our own take on Nam Jim See our recipe here: Nam Jim: Thai Dipping Sauce

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